Can I lose from this investment?
Basically no investment promises . Investments in digital currencies - also known as Crypto Assets are increasingly widespread throughout the world, including in Indonesia. This is because the potential profit for Crypto Assets is high although at the same time the risks faced by investors are also high. However, it should be noted that the highly volatile price movement of Crypto Assets is not only a potential for investors to gain profit, but also posesSome readersAre the Regulations Governing Crypto Asset Trading?
The regulations underlying the trading of crypto assets are based on the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 99 of 2018 concerning the General Policy for the Implementation of Crypto Asset Futures Trading and the Letter of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Number S-302/M.EKON/09/2018 dated 24 September 2018 regarding Follow Up Implementation of Coordination Meeting on Crypto Asset Management as a Commodity Traded on the Futures Exchange.Some readersWhat is USD Tether (USDT)?
United States Dollar Tether (USDT) is a stablecoin Crypto asset whose value per asset is US $1. So, the up and down movement follows the dollar exchange rate, in contrast to other Crypto assets such as bitcoin. USDT was founded by Tether, a Hong Kong based company. As of October 2021, USDT is the fifth largest Crypto asset measured by its market cap, valued at over $68 billion.Few readersWhat is a Crypto stablecoin Asset?
Stablecoins are Crypto assets whose value is set as the price of other physical assets with fairly stable prices such as fiat currencies (dollars, euros, or rupiah) and commodity prices such as gold. The purpose of the creation of these stablecoins is largely to protect prices against the high volatility of the crypto currency market. Stablecoins are also global currencies with low volatility. So users can use this Crypto asset for payments. Another advantage is that the stablecoins provide highFew readersWhat is Stockbit Crypto?
Few readersWhat is Cryptocurrency?
Crypto assets are digital currencies that are used for virtual transactions on the internet network. Secret passwords that are quite complex function to protect and maintain the security of this digital currency which is known as “Cryptocurrency”. The name comes from a combination of two words, namely “Cryptography” which means secret code, and “currency” which means currency. The concept of cryptography has actually been known since the days of World War II. At that time, Germany used cryptoFew readersWhere is Stockbit Crypto’s office?
Stockbit Crypto’s office is located in the South Jakarta area. Here is the full address – Standard Chartered Tower 29th floor, Jln Prof. Dr. Satrio 164, Karet Semanggi Village, Setiabudi District, South Jakarta.Few readersWhat products are sold on the Stockbit Crypto act?
Currently the product that you can trade is the stablecoin color 000000 ( USD Tether (USDT)) crypto asset. But don’t worry, we will continue to add more products over time.Few readers